
Friday, January 13, 2012

You shouldn't have

I won't let you understand
I won't let you see through me
I won't let you see my struggles
And who I want to be.

I know you'll be frightened and get pushed away
And that I'll avoid, 'cause I want you to stay.
My words will stay unspoken, my fears will be hidden
Or else you will get hurt, and that is forbidden.

The shadows will cover light,
I am too tired to fight
Well, I'm actually afraid
I have found out I failed.

You shouldn't be like me
Shouldn't do what I do
This shit cannot kill me
But I know it can kill you.

Maybe it's the opposite
Maybe I'm the one who'll die
Because my blood's not infinite
And someday I will be dry.

But maybe I'm already gone
I couldn't believe my eyes
I couldn't believe what you had done
And that made me whisper lies.

I would've done anything
To know you'll be okay
Now I'm to blame for everything
I hope you'll see someday.

I hope you'll see that it has hurt me
And that I wanted to die
But you won't see who I'll soon be
Just another soul who'll fly.


  1. Replies
    1. Nu te voi lasa sa intelegi
      Nu te voi lasa sa vezi prin mine
      Nu te voi lasa sa-mi vezi luptele
      Si ceea ce vreau sa fiu.

      Stiu ca vei fi speriat si te vei indeparta
      Iar asta voi evita, pentru ca vreau sa ramai
      Cuvintele imi vor ramane nespuse, fricile ascunse
      Caci altfel vei fi ranit, si asta e interzis.

      Umbrele vor acoperi lumina
      Sunt prea obosita sa mai lupt
      Bine, de fapt sunt speriata
      Am aflat ca am esuat

      N-ar trebui sa fi ca mine
      Si sa faci ce fac eu
      Cacatu` asta nu ma poate omori
      Dar stiu ca te poate omori pe tine

      Sau poate ca e invers,
      Poate eu sun cea care va muri
      Pentru ca sangele meu nu e infinit
      Si intr-o zi voi fi secata

      Dar poate ca deja m-am dus
      Nu mi-am putut crede ochilor
      N-am putut crede ce ai facut
      Ssi asta m-a facut sa soptesc minciuni

      As fi facut orice
      Sa stiu ca vei fi bine
      Acum sunt de vina pentru tot
      Sper ca vei vedea intr-o zi.

      Sper ca vei vedea ca m-a ranit
      Si ca am vrut sa mor
      Dar nu vei vedea cine voi fi eu in curand
      Doar alt suflet care va zbura.

      Si-a pierdut putin din farmec fiindca am tradus poezia, fara rime, etc, dar..

  2. imi place:x
    desigur suna mai bine in engleza

  3. Mersi.. Tot timpul am avut fixatia ca originalul e mai bun si cred ca se poate aplica chestia asta si aici =]
